Who We Are

Houston Chinese Youth Camp started in 1984 as a collaborative effort to provide an opportunity for overseas Chinese youth to be exposed to Chinese Cultural classes at a week long, away from home venue to teach children independence and to more deeply foster the friendships developed during camp.

Over the last 28 years Houston’s CYC has experienced many changes and learned many lessons, and as the generation that once attended and still loves CYC so much steps up to give back to the organization that has brought us so much over the past few decades, we hope to exceed your expectations as we strive towards the goal of obtaining more funding, attracting more campers, and providing quality classes and programs for our campers.

Dear Friends,
We are currently working with multiple college campuses to determine the date and location. We intend for CYC 2025 to be a 6-day Monday through Saturday, overnight camp for youth aged 8 to 18 and expect camp to be the third or fourth week of July 2025. We hope to open registration in March or April. C/AC applications for high school students will open in late January. To get the latest updates, follow our official Facebook and instagram page. We sincerely look forward to welcoming you and sharing this wonderful experience together!
Warm regards, CYC Team